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Breadcrumb trail with react js

I'm trying to create my own custom breadcrumb trail component using react js. I'm familiar with react js. But I have no clear idea about how to do that.. (Specially about breadcrumb trail). Can anyone give me some examples or tutorials relevant this..?

I think the best way for you to do that is to install react-router


Then you can do it very easily by nesting routes within each other and then use some of the utility functions it gives you to get the current routes. I haven't used the newest version of react-router. But the old version did it something like this:


var currentRoutes = this.context.router.getCurrentRoutes();

This used to give you an array of all the current routes, so if you're nested 3 routes deep, it will give you 3 routes. I'm not sure if this is the exact syntax anymore, since they've upgraded to 1.0, the API may have changed, but its likely to be similar.

Example of breadcrumbs using latest 1.0 release of react-router (At this time v1.0.0-rc3) https://github.com/rackt/react-router/blob/master/examples/breadcrumbs/app.js

Or use https://github.com/svenanders/react-breadcrumbs which takes care of breadcrumbs for you if you use react-router. It worked well with react-router 0.13.x from experience, I haven't upgraded to the latest 1.0 release yet, but it should work too.

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