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Get date from date picker in swift

I have created an IBOutlet to a date picker.

@IBOutlet weak var logDate: UIDatePicker!

I have also set the mode of this date picker to date .

Is there a way for me to extract the date that the user would input into the date picker?

I tried using print(logdate) , however it also gives me the date along with the time. Like this 2015-10-30 07:10:03 +0000

Perhaps you want this:

let components = logDate.calendar.components([.Era, .Year, .Month, .Day],
    fromDate: logDate.date)
print("\(components.era) \(components.year) \(components.month) \(components.day)")

// Output: 1 2015 10 31

Or perhaps you want this:

let formatter = NSDateFormatter()
formatter.calendar = logDate.calendar
formatter.dateStyle = .MediumStyle
formatter.timeStyle = .NoStyle
let dateString = formatter.stringFromDate(logDate.date)

// Output: Oct 31, 2015

You can try another dateStyle setting, or be more explicit by setting the dateFormat property. The dateFormat syntax can get pretty hairy. Remember to use yyyy , not YYYY , for the year part of your format. But it's MM , not mm for the month part. Example:

formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"

// Output: 2015-10-31

You can extract the date inputted by the user in a date field using this code. Note: This solution extracts the input as a string

    var dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()

    dateFormatter.dateStyle = NSDateFormatterStyle.ShortStyle   // You can also use Long, Medium and No style.
    dateFormatter.timeStyle = NSDateFormatterStyle.ShortStyle   

    var inputDate = dateFormatter.stringFromDate(*datepicker outlet name*.date)

Used a section of code from: http://www.ioscreator.com/tutorials/display-date-date-picker-ios8-swift

Swift 5

It's more simple than it appears. Just create a var of type Date and set its value from the datePicker outlet like this.

@IBOutlet weak var yourDatePicker: NSDatePicker!

var date = Date()

@IBAction func datePickerChanged(_ sender: Any) {
    date = yourDatePicker.dateValue

Now you can use that variable to insert date values on Core Data's attributes of type Date or something like that.

Get hour and minute in swift 5

let comp = datePickerOutlet.calendar.dateComponents([.hour, .minute], from: datePickerOutlet.date)


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