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How to access parent element and remove it with angularJs?

I want access to parent element from ng-click event's target element and remove it.

I looked some pages and angular docs and found something like below but this is not worked for me.

My Template:

<div class="element-which-i-want-access">
      <button ng-click="remove(myModelObjectInCurrentScope, $event)" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger"><i class="fa fa-trash"></i></button>

My Controller:

$scope.remove = function(object, $event) {
   var el = $event.target; // this meaning as clicked <button> element 
   var myTargetElement = el.parent().parent(); // this not working
   myTargetElement.remove(); // i couldn't tried this step but i couldn't got parent element yet

How can I do this? Thanks in advance.

$event.target will give the DOM element. To use parent() on it, it need to be wrapped as follow


accepted answer did'nt work for me. but this code did:

var elem= angular.element($event.currentTarget);
var parent = elem.parent().parent();

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