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htaccess for SEO friendly urls

So for two days I can not understand why this won't work...:

  Options -Indexes 
  Options +FollowSymLinks
  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteRule ^advice/([a-zA-Z]+)/([0-9]+)/$ advice.php?advice=$1&id=$2

Obviously .htaccess is allowed since I am not able to directory open folders, but why doesn't the link work?

Try turning off multiviews so the server doesn't try and search for that as a file. In addition add the conditions so that it knows it's not looking for a real file or directory it's trying to serve and make the trailing slash optional.

  Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews
  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
  RewriteRule ^advice/([a-zA-Z]+)/([0-9]+)/?$ /advice.php?advice=$1&id=$2 [L]

Does your RewriteRule redirect to an existing file? Try this, it works for me

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule . /test2/test.php
  • http://example.com/test2/.htaccess shows the location of the .htaccess file
  • http://example.com/test2/test.php is a direct link
  • http://example.com/test2/testX4XX opens the same test.php file using rewrite

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