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ng-repeat inside Custom Angular Directive Not Working

I am attempting to build what should be a very simple custom directive using some hierarchical data. Each page in the list has subpages and the data is of the form:

{"Title 1": "Page Title", "Id": "1", "Pages": {"Title 1.1": "Page Title 1.1", "Id": "2"}, {"Title 1.2": "Page Title 1.2", "Id": "3"}}

and so on. The data here is just a quick illustration - there is no issue with either the data or retrieval method.

I have a directive controller set up as:

app.directive('pageSelectList', function () {
return {
    restrict: 'EA',
    replace: true,
    scope: {
        pageList: '='
    templateUrl: '/Scripts/App/Directives/Templates/PageSelectList.html',
    link: function (scope, elem, attrs) { }

The template is:

<ul class="page-list page-root">
    <li ng-repeat="p in pageList.Pages">{{ p.Title }}</li>

The directive is used with data drawn from the parent scope ( $scope.listOfPages ).

However, when using it, nothing is displayed - it's blank. Strangely, when replacing the directive template with the following markup:

<p>{{ pageList.Title }}</p>

The expected markup <p>Title 1</p> is shown.

It would appear that the directive has some sort of issue with either ng-repeat or that the data being used in the repeat is a subobject of the pageList object passed.

Furthermore, when the markup for the directive is just used in a regular page with data from the parent scope, there is no problem at all. It seems to be a problem with the directive itself.


This is the page controller that is populating the data for the directive:

var pageEditController = function ($scope, $rootScope, $state, $stateParams, pageService) {
$scope.page = {};
$scope.errorMessage = "";

getPage(); // This is for other data on the page and not directly linked to directive issue.

getPages(); // This is to get the directive data

function getPage() { // Just an http get method for $scope.page }}

function getPages() {
        .success(function (result) {
            $scope.pageList = result.Result; // This is where the directive data is loaded into scope
        .error(function (error) {
            $scope.errorMessage = 'Unable to load pages';


Further strange behaviour:

A template with this:

<p>{{ pageList.Title }}</p>

shows the Title OK.


<p>{{ pageList.Title }}</p><p>{{ pageList.Id }}</p>

shows nothing at all. Obviously ng-repeat in original example doesn't work either.

In the directive, you have mentioned as "pageList". But in the template, you are accessing it using "PageList". So, I guess that it may solve using issue.

As we detect in comment: your code work OK, and problem with template for directive.

When you use replace:true in your directive, template that you load must have exactly one root element otherwise you get next error:

Error: [$compile:tplrt] Template for directive 'pageSelectList' must have exactly one root element. PageSelectList.html
https://docs.angularjs.org/error/ $compile/tplrt?p0=pageSelectList&p1=PageSelectList.html

So, for solving you have two way:

1) wrap your template in container, like a div

    your directive 
    <p>{{ pageList.Title }}</p><p>{{ pageList.Id }}</p>

2) remove flag replace , or use it replace: false .

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