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Chaining Eloquent queries in Laravel

I cannot figure out what would be the best / DRY way to chain a few model methods. For example, I have a ProjectRepository class that I inject in my ProjectsController . The repo class has a method:

public function featured()
   return $this->model->featured()->order('order')->get();

In here, $this->model is a Project model injected in the __constructor , and that featured() in the query is just a scopeFeatured() set on the model itself.

In some cases, I don't want that featured method on my repo to return items in order at all, so what I want to achieve is something like:

public function featured() {};

public function ordered() {};

and then to be able to do something like

return $this->repo->featured()->ordered() ;

Is it possible to do something like that?

Nevermind. Found this useful post and it is exactly what I needed:


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