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snapscan & cs-cart integration

I have been asked to help integrate snapscan into cs-cart as there is no api for cs-cart as yet. I wrote this code in order to do the outside_CC type style


if(!defined('BOOTSTRAP')) die('Direct Access Denied');

if(!defined('PAYMENT_NOTIFICATION')) {
    $mode = $processor_data['processor_params']['mode'];
    if($mode) {
        $form['id'] = $processor_data['processor_params']['id'];
        $form['key'] = $processor_data['processor_params']['key'];
    } else {
        $form['id'] = 'shopalot';
        $form['key'] = 'secret';
    $form['reference'] = 'Order_'.$order_id;
    $form['amount'] = number_format($order_info['total']*1, 2,'','');
    $form['currency'] = 'ZAR';
    $form['url'] = fn_url('payment_notification.notify?payment=snapscan&order_id='.$order_id,AREA,'current');
    $form['date'] = date('d-m-Y H:i');
    $form['email'] = $order_info['email'];
    $checksum = $form['id'].'|'.$form['reference'].'|'.$form['amount'].'|'.$form['currency'].'|'.$form['url'].'|'.$form['date'].'|'.$form['email'].'|'.$form['key'];
    $form['checksum'] = md5($checksum);
echo <<<s

<body >

        <form action="https://pos.snapscan.io/qr/$form[id]?id=$order_id&amount=$form[amount]&strict=true" method="POST" >
        <input name="MERCHANT_ID" type="hidden" value="$form[id]">
        <input name="REFERENCE" type="hidden" value="$form[reference]">
        <input name="AMOUNT" type="hidden" value="$form[amount]">
        <input name="CURRENCY" type="hidden" value="ZAR">
        <input name="RETURN_URL" type="hidden" value="$form[url]">
        <input name="TRANSACTION_DATE" type="hidden" value="$form[date]">
        <input name="EMAIL" type="hidden" value="$form[email]">
        <input name="CHECKSUM" type="hidden" value="$form[checksum]">

    $order_id = $_REQUEST['order_id'];
    $order_info = fn_get_order_info($order_id);
    $payment_id = db_get_field("SELECT payment_id FROM ?:orders WHERE order_id = ?i",$order_id);
    $processor_data = fn_get_payment_method_data($payment_id);
    $status = $_POST['TRANSACTION_STATUS'];
    if($status == 1 && fn_check_payment_script('snapscan.php',$order_id)) {
        $pp_response['order_status'] = 'P';
        $pp_response['reason_text'] = 'The User Completed Payment with SnapScan';
    } else {
        $pp_response['order_status'] = 'F';
        $pp_response['reason_text'] = 'Your Payment was Unsuccessful';


This kind of works, it does say page not found, but on refresh it works fine, pulling order number and amount across. My question or help I require is how do I get the customer back to cs-cart after payment is made in order to place the order? its not like a credit card where it processes via your browser, as this requires a mobile cell phone.

here is the information from snapscan


I have also tried various options like popup windows that work great, but also pop up if you have paid by credit card.

the other other option I thought of doing was try and identify a particular payment method like this,

 {if '$SnapScan'}
<script language="javascript">

Please could someone offer a possible solution to my dilema

As per documentation, I can only affirm this: Webhooks.

"We recommend that you make use of a webhook to be notified of payment completing due to the real-time nature of the system."

Try this code to post the form automatically:

<body onLoad="javascript:document.process.submit();">
<form action="https://pos.snapscan.io/qr/$form[id]?id=$order_id&amount=$form[amount]&strict=true" method="POST" name="process">
        <input name="MERCHANT_ID" type="hidden" value="$form[id]">
        <input name="REFERENCE" type="hidden" value="$form[reference]">
        <input name="AMOUNT" type="hidden" value="$form[amount]">
        <input name="CURRENCY" type="hidden" value="ZAR">
        <input name="RETURN_URL" type="hidden" value="$form[url]">
        <input name="TRANSACTION_DATE" type="hidden" value="$form[date]">
        <input name="EMAIL" type="hidden" value="$form[email]">
        <input name="CHECKSUM" type="hidden" value="$form[checksum]">

To receive response from SnapScan, please use Webhook:


Unfortunately their documentation regarding webhook is very poor. Please contact support team for more details. For example, if the payment script is located in the app/payments directory, webhook URL should refer to:


The code which processes the response should start from:

if (!defined('BOOTSTRAP')) {
    require './init_payment.php';

Do not forget to remove the following line from the beginning of the file:

if (!defined('BOOTSTRAP') ) { die('Access denied'); }

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