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Decode .mov video file with PNG codec type

I am trying to decode video with "PNG, Timecode" codecs with AVFoundation and get error

Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11833 "Cannot Decode" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=The decoder required for this media cannot be found.,NSUnderlyingError=0x610000044050 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-12906 "(null)"}, AVErrorMediaTypeKey=vide, NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot Decode}

from AVAssetReader. May be need use specific pixel format type for AVAssetReaderTrackOutput?

Info from videoTrack.formatDescriptions:

<CMVideoFormatDescription 0x618000042ac0 [0x7fff7b281390]> {
    mediaSubType:'png ' 
    mediaSpecific: {
        codecType: 'png '       dimensions: 2852 x 1871 
    extensions: {<CFBasicHash 0x61800006c180 [0x7fff7b281390]>{type = immutable dict, count = 9,
entries =>
    0 : <CFString 0x7fff7eee0750 [0x7fff7b281390]>{contents = "TemporalQuality"} = <CFNumber 0x27 [0x7fff7b281390]>{value = +0, type = kCFNumberSInt32Type}
    1 : <CFString 0x7fff7eee0790 [0x7fff7b281390]>{contents = "Version"} = <CFNumber 0x117 [0x7fff7b281390]>{value = +1, type = kCFNumberSInt16Type}
    2 : <CFString 0x7fff7eee0590 [0x7fff7b281390]>{contents = "FormatName"} = PNG
    3 : <CFString 0x7fff7ad964d8 [0x7fff7b281390]>{contents = "CVPixelAspectRatio"} = <CFBasicHash 0x61800006c140 [0x7fff7b281390]>{type = immutable dict, count = 2,
entries =>
    1 : <CFString 0x7fff7ad964f8 [0x7fff7b281390]>{contents = "HorizontalSpacing"} = <CFNumber 0xb2427 [0x7fff7b281390]>{value = +2852, type = kCFNumberSInt32Type}
    2 : <CFString 0x7fff7ad96518 [0x7fff7b281390]>{contents = "VerticalSpacing"} = <CFNumber 0xb2427 [0x7fff7b281390]>{value = +2852, type = kCFNumberSInt32Type}

    4 : <CFString 0x7fff7eee0550 [0x7fff7b281390]>{contents = "VerbatimSampleDescription"} = <CFData 0x618000140370 [0x7fff7b281390]>{length = 106, capacity = 106, bytes = 0x0000006a706e67200000000000000001 ... 00000b2400000000}
    5 : <CFString 0x7fff7eee07b0 [0x7fff7b281390]>{contents = "RevisionLevel"} = <CFNumber 0x117 [0x7fff7b281390]>{value = +1, type = kCFNumberSInt16Type}
    6 : <CFString 0x7fff7eee0770 [0x7fff7b281390]>{contents = "SpatialQuality"} = <CFNumber 0x40027 [0x7fff7b281390]>{value = +1024, type = kCFNumberSInt32Type}
    7 : <CFString 0x7fff7eee07d0 [0x7fff7b281390]>{contents = "Vendor"} = appl
    8 : <CFString 0x7fff7eee05b0 [0x7fff7b281390]>{contents = "Depth"} = <CFNumber 0x2017 [0x7fff7b281390]>{value = +32, type = kCFNumberSInt16Type}

Can I decode this video with AVFoundation?

Also if open this video with QuickTime Player and re-save, it saved video with "Apple ProRes 4444, Timecode" codecs and this video can be decoding with AVFoundation, but size of file increase from 800Kb to 2Mb.

Thanks for any help!


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