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Cannot delete object in rails_admin

When I try to delete an instance of model called place I get the error below. The model has an attribute with the following type: string , datetime , int4range , boolean , numrange , integer , text , decimal , float .

I'm using rails 4.2.4, ruby 2.2.1, pg 9.4.5


I faced this problem once and, in my case, i found it happen because Rails Admin try to show the relationship. This get err along the way.

I solve this problem by overriding the rails_admin show delete view just create views/rais_admin/main/_delete_notice.html.haml and put

- object = delete_notice

%li{style: 'display:block; margin-top:10px'}
  %span.label.label-default= @abstract_model.pretty_name
  - wording = object.send(@model_config.object_label_method)
  - if show_action = action(:show, @abstract_model, object)
    = link_to(wording, url_for(action: show_action.action_name, model_name: @abstract_model.to_param, id: object.id), class: 'pjax')
  - else
    = wording
    - @abstract_model.each_associated_children(object) do |association, child|
      -#- unless child.kind_of?(String) || child.kind_of?(ActsAsTaggableOn::Tagging)
      - if child.kind_of?(ActiveRecord::Base)
          - child_config = RailsAdmin.config(child)
          = @abstract_model.model.human_attribute_name association.name
          - wording = child.send(child_config.object_label_method)
          - if child.id && (show_action = action(:show, child_config.abstract_model, child))
            = link_to(wording, url_for(action: show_action.action_name, model_name: child_config.abstract_model.to_param, id: child.id), class: 'pjax')
          - else
            = wording

the line - if child.kind_of?(ActiveRecord::Base) prevent the further checking on model attributes, which causing undefined method model for nil:NilClass in your error log

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