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Create element in jQuery, then insert it with an event

I'm creating an element and then inserting it, but it isn't quite working as expected. To create the element:

var showChildren = $("<span>", { text: "[arrow]", class: "show-children" });

Then to insert it, i tried:


But nothing was displayed, so I inspected the object then tried this instead:


This displays the element as expected, but seems a little awkward. My goal is to then attach an event handler to it. I thought something like this might work:

showChildren.on("click", function(e) {

But that doesn't work. Is there a better way to create an element, display it, and attach a listener to it?

For appending, unless there's a compelling reason, just build the HTML manually without using jQuery:

$('body').append('<span class="show-children">[arrow]</span>');

For the event, use delegation:

$('body').on('click', '.show-children', function (e) {

You can do the event attachment in your document ready handler, once, and it will fire no matter how many times you append that HTML.

As for a better way, I don't know whats better, it could all just be subjective per developer. But here is another way to create, append and attach listener using chaining.

$("<span>", {
    text: "[arrow]",
    class: "show-children"
}).appendTo('body').on("click", function (e) {

And the code you wrote above seems to work fine in fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/b5tb4mer/

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