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jquery doesn't work, can't find the right answer here

My html code with the jquery link

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And here I want to start my hover function.

$( document ).ready(function() {

// globale variabelen

// globale variabelen

// functies

    // hover

        function hoverAan(onzichtbaar, zichtbaar){

            onzichtbaar.style.display = "none";
            zichtbaar.style.display = "inline";


    // hover

// functies


The thing is... Without the jquery link and .ready() (so plain js) it does work. Is it the position of the jquery link? or is there something else I do wrong? because I want to write a lot of jquery instead of js . So I wanted to make sure it does the job from the very beginning.. and now it does not.

You want to keep all your JavaScript functions outside of your $(document).ready(function () {}); . This way, your functions will be loaded in-line with your HTML, instead of your functions being loaded after your HTML is loaded.

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