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TypeError: Cannot read property “namedValues” from undefined. (line 9, file “Code”)

trying to find out where i'm going wrong. I'm not a coder, but am re-using code from another google sheet I've used.

I'm trying to trigger an email being sent when a form is submitted that populates this google sheet.

Here is the public sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oV8bwS_o7O-Wu5LXoP-0e9M71NpbQy-a0ViTSZhXJPA/edit?usp=sharing

Here is the code:

function FormSubmit(formData) {
// Load the sheets for processing
var responseSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Master Editing Sheet");
var supData = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Support Data");
// Create and send the Email 
// Description is used to make the email
var description = supData.getRange(2,1).getValue();
var name = formData.namedValues["Prospects' Names"];

var timestamp = formData.namedValues["Timestamp"];

var to = "andrew.appel@gmail.com";
var subject = "New Prospect Submitted: " + name;
var message = "New Prospect | Submitted by | Initial Contact | Initial Notes: " + "\n" + "\n";
message += description + "\n" + "\n";
message += "The Master Recruitment Spreadsheet can be viewed by clicking on  the following link" + "\n";
message += "https://tinyurl.com/recruitmaster"
MailApp.sendEmail(to, subject, message);

Thank you so much!! Andrew

The data that you are passing into the function is not valid so you can't call a property of it. It is basically like trying to call undefined.namedValues

You might want to check where the function is called.

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