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Disabling href link in javascript

I would like to disable a href link in javascript but only for a particular duration.

<tr><td width= 40></td><td id="idHardwareInfo_5" class="sub_newmenu_item" ><a href="javascript:fnMenuClickedCustPop()"><% _("Discovery"); %></a></td></tr>

function fnMenuClickedCustPop()
        fnMenuClicked('XYZ.asp', 'id_5');
        alert("This operation may take a few minutes to complete.Please wait...");

This XYZ.asp file includes a .inc file which has the js code its functionality includes executing a loop 18 times. I would like to disable the href link until that loop completes entirely from 1-18 so that in between the user can not click the link.What could be the best way to do this? PS:i am a complete Newbie to javascript. Thanks :-)

Add the following css class to your link in your function when loop starts and remove it at the end of loop

.not-active {
   pointer-events: none;
   cursor: default;

<a id="link" href="javascript:fnMenuClickedCustPop()"><% _("Discovery"); %></a>

function fnMenuClickedCustPop()
        alert("This operation may...");
        $("#link").addClass('not-active') //when loop is going to start
        fnMenuClicked('XYZ.asp', 'id_5');
        $("#link").removeClass('not-active') //once loop finishes, you might need to do this inside XYZ.asp where loop runs not here. This is just an indicator


You can add an event listener to the element to prevent the default behavior upon click, then remove that listen when you want to re-enable the href. let's say you don't use jQuery or any plugin, ie vanilla JS, say

you have

<a id="disableForDuration" href="xxxx">link</a>

In JS, you can do

var elem = document.getElementById("disableForDuartion");
var handler = function (evt) {
elem.addEventListener("click", handler);

// Do whatever stuff....

// when you want to enable the link
elem.removeEventListener("click", handler);

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