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How to export an Outlook calendar into an Excel weekly timesheet?

My boss has a calendar of meetings scheduled (of different projects) in Outlook.

How do I input the time spent on each project on each day in an Excel worksheet?

The Excel worksheet consists of all projects written in a column, and one column for each day of the week.

A simple google search, and a little refacto :

Option Explicit

Sub ListAppointments()
    Dim olApp As Object
    Dim olNS As Object
    Dim olFolder As Object
    Dim olApt As Object
    Dim NextRow As Long
    Dim FromDate As Date
    Dim ToDate As Date

    FromDate = CDate("08/25/2017")
    ToDate = CDate("12/31/2017")

    On Error Resume Next
    Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
    If Err.Number > 0 Then Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    On Error GoTo 0

    Set olNS = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set olFolder = olNS.GetDefaultFolder(9) 'olFolderCalendar
    NextRow = 2

    With Sheets("Sheet1") 'Change the name of the sheet here
        .Range("A1:D1").Value = Array("Project", "Date", "Time spent", "Location")
        For Each olApt In olFolder.Items
            If (olApt.Start >= FromDate And olApt.Start <= ToDate) Then
                .Cells(NextRow, "A").Value = olApt.Subject
                .Cells(NextRow, "B").Value = CDate(olApt.Start)
                .Cells(NextRow, "C").Value = olApt.End - olApt.Start
                .Cells(NextRow, "C").NumberFormat = "HH:MM:SS"
                .Cells(NextRow, "D").Value = olApt.Location
                .Cells(NextRow, "E").Value = olApt.Categories
                NextRow = NextRow + 1
            End If
        Next olApt
    End With

    Set olApt = Nothing
    Set olFolder = Nothing
    Set olNS = Nothing
    Set olApp = Nothing
End Sub

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