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Resizing a div into another column, how do I move the other divs up or down?

So, I'm making a simple calendar app in angular, that you can input what you want for each day. I'm using this directive to resize the li:

myAppModule.directive('resizable', function () {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        scope: {
            callback: '&onResize'
        link: function postLink(scope, elem, attrs) {
            elem.on('resizestop', function (evt, ui) {
                if (scope.callback) { scope.callback(); }

Now the question is how do I stop it from overlapping other divs in a different columns, while still being able to go into other columns? And if there is any content in the other column they get pushed down.

link to the application: https://fathomless-meadow-6839.herokuapp.com/

Picture of what is happening: http://cl.ly/image/3H0v0S310F1J

In your style.css give your input fields width:100% .




Exclude inputs you don't want to resize by using className or ID.

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