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C# ASP.Net - DataList Changing Images On The Fly

I have a simple DataList that is getting text data from one field in a database and displaying it horizontally in the lblProductName label. This works great. In my database I have 4 records and it displays 1 row with 4 columns of data in a table in the DataList. Perfect.

The harder part. Based on another query/logic I want to display an image under the lblProductName label in the DataList; either a switchon.jpg or a switchoff.jpg. This I have no idea how to do since I'm binding the DataList with the original query to the database.

Here is my Datalist.

    <asp:DataList ID="dlstProductDataList" runat="server" RepeatColumns = "5" CellPadding = "10" HorizontalAlign ="Center" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" Width="100%">
            <div class="ProductLinks">
                <asp:Label ID="lblProductName" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("ProductName") %>' /><br />
                <asp:Image ID="imgProductStatus" runat="server"></asp:Image>

Here is my code to load the data into the DataList.

    var cnnString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["TaktBoardsConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
    SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(cnnString);
    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();

    string sql = "SELECT [ProductID], [ProductName] FROM [Product] WHERE [ProductID] <> 1 ORDER BY [ProductID]";
    cmd.CommandText = sql;
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    cmd.Connection = conn;

    dlstProductDataList.DataSource = cmd.ExecuteReader();


The code/logic to get the image would look something like this...

Somehow for each lblProductName that gets bound in the DataList I would have to execute the following query. If the query below returns 0 in ProductCount then I'd set the imgProductStatus to be switchoff.jpg. If it's > 0 then it would be set to switchon.jpg. For each lblProductName I know the ProductID (as per the first query above).

    sql = "SELECT COUNT([ProductID]) AS ProductCount FROM TaktBoard WHERE [ProductID] = ??????? AND CONVERT (date, [BoardDate]) = CONVERT (date, GETDATE())";

If anyone can steer me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated!!


You can adjust your query to include the count.

You'll need to include this in your SQL too, there are a few ways to do this such as with a join, but without seeing your full schema, you may have more luck with a subquery

string sql = "SELECT [ProductID], [ProductName], (select COUNT([ProductID]) FROM TaktBoard tb WHERE tb.[ProductID] = [Product].[ProductID] AND CONVERT (date, [BoardDate]) = CONVERT (date, GETDATE())) as [ProductCount] FROM [Product] WHERE [ProductID] <> 1 ORDER BY [ProductID]";

Formatted a bit more to see

SELECT [ProductID], [ProductName],
    select COUNT([ProductID])
    FROM TaktBoard tb
    WHERE tb.[ProductID] = [Product].[ProductID]
    AND CONVERT (date, [BoardDate]) = CONVERT (date, GETDATE())
) as [ProductCount]

FROM [Product]
WHERE [ProductID] <> 1 
ORDER BY [ProductID]

Then use this within your image.

<asp:Image ID="imgProductStatus" runat="server" ImageUrl='<%# (Convert.ToInt32(Eval("ProductCount")) == 0) ? "~/Images/switchoff.jpg" : "~/Images/switchon.jpg" %>'></asp:Image>

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