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Shiny updateSelectInput for multiple inputs

I have shiny app with multiple inputs that belongs to hierarchy (A -> B -> C). When user selects A - it should affect the options in B and C. However, the user can choose only B (and then it should affect other inputs as well. If nothing selected - all options should be available. How can I implement it?

Agreed that you need more information and the observe pattern could be a good fit. If you need more control and dynamics in the interface, you could use a dynamic UI with renderUI :


choices_A <- list("Choice A" = 1, "Choice B" = 2, "Choice C" = 3)
choices_B <- list("Choice B1" = 4, "Choice B2" = 5, "Choice B3" = 6)
choices_C <- list("Choice C1" = 7, "Choice C2" = 8, "Choice C3" = 9)

  ui = fluidPage(
    titlePanel("Cascading selects"),
      column(3, wellPanel(
        selectInput("select_A", label = "Select A",
                    choices = choices_A)

      column(3, wellPanel(
      column(3, wellPanel(
        tags$p("First Input: "),
        tags$p("Dynamic Input: "),
  server = function(input, output) {
    output$ui <- renderUI({
      if (is.null(input$select_A))

        "1" = selectInput("dynamic", label = "Select A2",
                                 choices = choices_A),
        "2" = selectInput("dynamic", label = "Select B",
                                 choices = choices_B),
        "3" = selectInput("dynamic", label = "Select C",
                                 choices = choices_C)
    output$value <- renderPrint({ input$select_A })
    output$dynamic_value <- renderPrint({ input$dynamic })


There is not enough information here. However, from what you described, you could try starting from here.

shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
    a_option <- input$a_option
    b_option <- input$b_option
    if (a_option == "XXX") {
      updateSelectInput(session, "B", choices = b_options)
      updateSelectInput(session, "C", choices = c_options)
    if (b_option == "XXX") {
      updateOtherInput(session, "input_id", ...)

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