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Swift error: “Cannot find interface declaration for 'SKScene', superclass of”

Disclaimer: I read through similar questions on SO, couldn't find a solution to my problem.

I want to add an subclass of SKScene to a project that did not previously use SpriteKit.

The project is a mixture of ObjC and Swift. The subclass is written in Swift.

What I did:

  1. Added SpriteKit.Framework by going to the project -> Build Phases -> Link Binary with Libraries .
  2. I created a swift class and had it inherit from SKScene.

Here is the new class:

import SpriteKit

class SnowScene: SKScene {

Note that the class is not references by anywhere else in the code.

When I compile my app, I get the error in the title. The error occurs in my -Swift.h file, which auto-exported the new class (I have no idea why).

@interface SnowScene : SKScene

Does anyone have any idea what am I doing wrong and how to circumvent this problem?

I'm assuming you did import SpriteKit in your source file or you would have gotten an error in the Swift compile phase.

This sounds like a bug in Swift where it's not correctly detecting that you are using SpriteKit. Normally, these dependencies are detected and inserted at the top of -Swift.h in an import section, around line 88:

#if defined(__has_feature) && __has_feature(modules)
@import Foundation;
@import UIKit;
@import ObjectiveC;

If SpriteKit isn't in that list, you're looking at a compiler bug and should file a radar with Apple.

If you have a bridging header, you will notice that right below those imports is:

#import "/Users/.../...-Bridging-Header.h"

If not, you should add one. I believe adding a single Objective-C file will trigger Xcode to do the work for you.

Including the line #import <SpriteKit/SpriteKit.h> in your bridging header will ensure that SpriteKit gets imported before your class is declared.

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