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Laravel framework index.php

I have a project in laravel5 and I have directed virtual host on /public directory. Where should be my main page index.php now? There is some index.php in public folder already but it contains some content that I dont understand. So where should be my index now? Maybe in views?


If you are using Laravel 5.1 then your initial page should be this resources/views/welcome.blade.php .

You can change it to any name. But also you should change the same in your Controller .

Note : If you are rendering the view through controller then you should have the file name like this yourfilename.blade.php

Your views should always inside resources/views/*

When a request come to your server, the first file that it is executed is index.php . But this is not the file shown. In Laravel you don't have to force any file be named index.php . So let's imagine that you are trying set up a new index file. You have to use routes.php


Route::get("/" , "HomeController@index"); 


function index(){
    return view("home/index");


    <p>Index page</p>

When a GET request to "/" it's done, the index function of the HomeController it's executed and the view index.blade.php , stored in views/home it's shown.

This it's the basic behaviour of Laravel. So you mustn't rename or move the index.php file in public folder.

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