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Warning: mkdir(): Permission denied in php

heey everyone i'm trying to create a folder for every user try to sign into my php app and i get that message here

and my php code is here

function createChatFolder($email) {
        if(mkdir('../../conversation'.$email , 0777 ,true)){
            $myfile = fopen('/opt/lampp/htdocs/facebookMV/web/conversation/'.$email.'/status.xml', 'w+');
                $txt = '<?xml version="1.0"  encoding="utf-8"   ?>'.PHP_EOL.'<status>1</status>';
                fwrite($myfile, $txt);
                echo 'there was an error while creating the status file';
            echo 'there was an error while creating thee '.$email.' folder ';

can any one tell me from where the problem is coming from NB : i'm using UBUNTU 14.04 and here is the mode of conversation folder

drwxr-xr-x 7 daemon daemon 4096 نوف 25 00:32 conversation

First you need to change
if(!file_exists('../../conversation'.$email)){ if(mkdir('../../conversation'.$email , 0777 ,true))

to if(!file_exists('../../conversation/'.$email)){ if(mkdir('../../conversation/'.$email , 0777 ,true))

ie if you wish to create subfolders.

Then you need to make sure that write permissions are enabled for the user running the php, usually www-data .

If not sure, you could use the below command :

ps aux | egrep '(apache|httpd)'

to determine which user apache is running as.

Using chmod to enable write permissions for all the users to a folder is dangerous.

So you could use setfacl command as root like below.

setfacl -mu:www-data:w /path/to/conversation

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