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Python Paraview

How to extract data from server to the client in Paraview parallel running mode

my script is: def getNumberOfBlocks(px):
data1 = servermanager.Fetch(px,0)

data2 = servermanager.Fetch(px,1)
group = vtk.vtkMultiBlockDataGroupFilter()
data3 = group.GetOutputPort()

data = vtk.vtkMultiBlockDataGroupFilter.SafeDownCast(data3)
return data.GetNumberOfBlocks()

px is a proxy from where i am getting data. there are two port , i need to fetch the data from these port all at a time.

thanks for help.

I'm a little confused by your script - won't it always return 3?

If you just want to get the number of blocks and px is of type vtkSMSourceProxy , you can use the following:

def getNumberOfBlocks(px):
  di = GetDataInformation()
  cdi = di.GetCompositeDataInformation()
  return cdi.GetNumberOfChildren()

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