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Ruby Syntax error, unexpected tIVAR, expecting keyword_end

I have a model Entry, and it belongs to a Journal. Journals have the ability to be public, so an entry belonging to a public journal would also be public, it would get that attribute from the journal.

I have an unless statement that just transfers it to the index unless @entry.is_public? || current_user.owns_entry? @entry unless @entry.is_public? || current_user.owns_entry? @entry

I have one method that is simply

def is_public?

the other is pretty straightforward. The issue i am having is that when i try to use or instead of || it works fine, but when i use || it gives me a unexpected tIVAR, expecting keyword_end I am trying to figure out what the issue is, as rubocop tells me that i need to be using || and i want to conform to ruby conventions. Anyone know what the issue is?

In this case you need parentheses around your argument, ie current_user.owns_entry?(@entry) .

unless @entry.is_public? || current_user.owns_entry?(@entry)
  # ...

Generally speaking you should use parentheses except in the simplest cases, both for readability and to avoid syntax issues like this.

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