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AngularJs call controller function from factory

I'm trying a sample with angularJs where I'm trying to call a factory method and in the factory method, I'm doing an ajax callback to get result from database and in the success event of the ajax callback, I need to call a function in the controller to bind the result to the UI .

My Angular Code:

 angular.module('myApp.controllers', []) .controller('TasksListCtrl', ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$routeParams', 'Task', function($scope, $rootScope, $routeParams, Task) { debugger; //factory call Task.query({ MobileNumber: $routeParams.MobileNumber, ClientCode: $routeParams.ClientCode }); $rootScope.UserMobileNumber = $routeParams.MobileNumber; $scope.BindTasksList = function(resultData) { debugger; $scope.Tasks = resultData; $scope.$apply(); } } ]); 

My Angular Factory Code:

 'use strict'; (function() { function GetTasks(MobileNumber, ClientCode) { debugger; $.ajax({ url: '/api/TasksAPI/GetTasksList', type: 'GET', datatype: 'json', data: { 'MobileNumber': MobileNumber, 'ClientCode': ClientCode }, success: function(response) { debugger; $scope.BindTasksList(response); }, error: function(xhr) {} }); }; angular.module('myApp.DbScripts', []) .factory('Task', [ function() { return { query: function(data) { debugger; GetTasks(data.MobileNumber, data.ClientCode); } } } ]); }()); 

My app.js Code:

 'use strict'; angular.module('myApp', [ 'ngTouch', 'ngRoute', 'ngAnimate', 'myApp.controllers', 'myApp.DbScripts' ]). config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) { debugger; $routeProvider.when('/tasks/:MobileNumber/:ClientCode', { templateUrl: 'partials/tasks-list.html', controller: 'TasksListCtrl' }); $routeProvider.when('/tasks/:taskId', { templateUrl: 'partials/task-details.html', controller: 'TaskDetailCtrl' }); $routeProvider.when('/tasks/:taskId/status', { templateUrl: 'partials/task-completion-details.html', controller: 'TaskCompletionDetailCtrl' }); $routeProvider.when('/tasks/:taskId/route', { templateUrl: 'partials/route-details.html', controller: 'RouteDetailCtrl' }); $routeProvider.otherwise({ redirectTo: '/tasks' }); } ]); 

But, I'm unable to call the function in controller. I've also tried it with angular.element(document.getElementById('TasksListCtrl')).scope().BindTasksList(response) . But even that's not working.

Can anyone please point out the mistake I'm doing?
How to send the $scope of the controller to the factory?

You can do this by leveraging the $http promises, in you factory, return the promise instead as follows

'use strict';

(function() {

  function GetTasks(MobileNumber, ClientCode) {


  angular.module('myApp.DbScripts', [])
    .factory('Task', [
      function($http) {
        return {
          query: function(data) {
           return $http({
                   url: '/api/TasksAPI/GetTasksList',
                   method: 'GET',
                   params: {
                            'MobileNumber': data.MobileNumber,
                            'ClientCode': data.ClientCode
                }).then(function(result) {
                   return result;

Then in your controller you can access the $http response object that is returned:

      //factory call
        MobileNumber: $routeParams.MobileNumber,
        ClientCode: $routeParams.ClientCode
      }).then(function(resp) {
           // access $http resp here and attach to $scope.Tasks

If you can, I would advocate using $q along $http as well, so that you do not need to parse through the http response and get a nice little response data object back


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