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How to set a value in a select from an object in angularjs

I'm new to Angular so please be gentle :)

I am recieving a "Brand" Object from the server and I want to set the select field with the good corresponding value.

Brands look like this :

Brands = [{name: "BRAND1", id=242},
          {name: "BRAND2", id=562}]

And I got from the server:

brandFromTheServer = {name: "BRAND2", id=562};

This is my select :

<select id="brand" ng-model="product.brand" class="form-control" ng-options="brand as brand.name for brand in brands"></select>

And I want the select to be set with brandFromTheServer.

I tried in the controller:

$scope.product.brand = brandFromTheServer;

How can I set the value of the select with the brand that I'm recieving ?

Sorry, my English is terrible ! Please help :=)

<select id="brand" ng-model="product.brand" class="form-control" ng-     options="brand as brand.name for brand in brands">
   <option value="o">Val 1</option>
   <option value="1">Val 2</option>
   <option value="2">Val 3</option>

$scope.product.brand = 0 or 1 or 2;

I use something like this:

   <select ng-options="option.name for option in advertiserList" ng-model="selectedOption.advertiserChoice" class="form-control"></select>

And in my controller I have:

$scope.advertiserList = response.advertisers;
            var data = $scope.advertiserList.getIndexBy("id",  $scope.currentAdvertiser.id)
            $scope.selectedOption.advertiserChoice = $scope.advertiserList[data];

The method getIndexBy() is like this:

Array.prototype.getIndexBy = function (name, value) {
          for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
              if (this[i][name] === value) {
                  return i;

And my advertiserList json looks like this:

"advertisers": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Somebody Franck",

      "id": 2,
      "name": "Me Me me",


Your approach is correct when using ng-options, however the product.brand is not bound to the Brand object. Something like this works:


$scope.brands = [
      name: '1'
      name: '2'
      name: '3'


  $scope.product = {
    brand: $scope.brands[1] // now it has a 'reference'

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