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Port Node.js/Express.js + MongoDB Application to Desktop

I have recently started the development of an App that was intended for the web, using Express.js + MongoDB to define a RESTFull Interface, all this is coupled with an HTML5 frontend that uses AJAX to receive and write data.

The first couple of beta-testers reported that they'd not be ok with the app being a web-application and would much rather have everything on their own computer for security reasons (personal data is handled).

Now, I know that there are a couple of ways to make a Node.js application appear like a native app see Packaging a node.js webapp as a normal desktop app [closed] . I already tried NW.js but I can't seem to find an option to actually run the express.js part of the application within the limits of NW.js.

To my questions:

  • Is there a way to run a restful api programmed with node & express within NW.js?
  • Is it possible to run MongoDB inside that container?
  • If both or either one are not true, is there a framework that supports running express & mongodb as a desktop application with my app?

I would focus the effort you would put into porting your app into making those same customers feel comfortable with your security measures for protection their data in the existing web-application format.

But if you really want them to run it locally then they probably need their own Mongo installed. Instead of a full blown mongo install I found NeDB. It implements the same Mongo api's so you should be able to port easily.


Embedded persistent or in memory database for Node.js, nw.js, Electron and browsers, 100% Javascript, no binary dependency.

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