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Multi module sbt within Intellij Idea

I'm trying to create a new multi module sbt project in Intellij Idea. So far, I have created an sbt project, but I'm struggling to get the multi module effect implemented.

import sbt._

object MyBuild extends Build {

  lazy val modA     = Project("modA", file("modA"))
                            libraryDependencies ++= modADependencies

  lazy val modB = Project("modB", file("modB"))
                            libraryDependencies ++= modBDependencies

  lazy val root = Project("root", file(".")).aggregate(modA, modB)

I have the following structure in my Intellij sbt project:

 - TopLevelProject
  - modA
     - src
         - main
             - scala
     - src
         - main
             - scala
     - Build.scala
     - Dependencies.scala

When I run sbt, and then run projects , I would like to see a list of the separate projects (ie modA, modB, and root). But I only get the top level project.

sbt.version = 0.13.8 if that matters :).

I've tried to reproduce your issue. Unfortunately, I have to conclude that your MyBuild.scala file is correct. When I run it with sbt 0.13.5 I get the following output:

> projects
[info] In file:Path/To/Application/
[info]     modA
[info]     modB
[info]   * root

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