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(react) debounce with arguments

I'm trying to debounce a function (using underscore's debounce) passed as a prop to a component. I've been able to do this in the past with the following:

  componentWillMount() {
    this.handleInputTextChangeDebounced = debounce(() => {
      console.log('I debounce!');
    }, 250);

That works fine and dandy, but now I need to access the event argument (so I can get the value from the input) from the onChange which triggeres the handleInputTextChangeDebounced


  <input onChange={this.handleInputTextChangeDebounced} data-option='buildNumber' />

I can't simply use a ref because I have many form input options that I want to use with thise debounced function.

I tried to return the debounce as a function within the handleInputTextChangeDebounced which would receive the event, but that appears to stop the debouncing from working.


Figured out a solution using two steps. I called a normal class function ( handleInputTextChange ) where I extracted the value from the input field, then I called the debounced function ( handleInputTextChangeDebounced ) separately.

handleInputTextChange(e) {

handleInputTextChangeDebounced: debounce((value) => {
  // do debounced stuff with value here...
}, 700),

<input onChange={this.handleInputTextChange} type='text' data-option='buildNumber' />

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