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Not able to add a subfolder to remote repository in Github

In my computer I have a folder nextdoor , and there is subfolder inside it source . All my images and code are present inside the source folder, but somehow I am not able to push this particular subfolder to remote repository.

Remote Repository : LINK

If you go to remote repo, you can see the source folder is not added. The subfolder is also not empty. I have tried bunch of methods but unfortunately, I am not able to push this particular subfolder up.

If I do git status

git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working directory clean

Total subfolders:

bin  include  lib  local  pip-selfcheck.json  README.md  source  static_cdn

Since I am able to push all folders but why source is not going up?

Inside source folder:

crytography  manage.py  registration.txt  templates
db.sqlite3   nextdoor   static

.gitignore file:

# global gitignore for IDE, etc
# -- should still exclude project specific ignores in .gitignore

# system junk

# IDEs

# private files

Could anyone help me please?

Your last commit(815bb7d) is broken. It adds "half a submodule".

When adding a submodule using git submodule add two things happen: a file .gitmodules is created, containing the URL of your submodule and a "folder" is created, annotated with the commit of your submodule.

In your case you managed to create a commit containing the second, but not the first:

$ git ls-tree 815bb7d28719ab66e765ba8e265eb317766b68db
100644 blob 506c8957ac440449d375416f45c6753a3cb65d83    .gitignore
100644 blob 5f8188352aa817edb6808536f598d3ac74d448d7    README.md
040000 tree c336cc94ab9a686360ee9e6f330558cdee571e9d    bin
040000 tree 334b6ff5f7c516042b7a185ec6106208df8495a7    include
040000 tree e65f051d2d0e9f2648a6b83f0ef0836893423ee5    lib
040000 tree 63a79abf5f366fc25b0b47fc527ea237163a0505    local
100644 blob 2dbf660a900d007e70510ff0ccc2c553b32d6120    pip-selfcheck.json
160000 commit 4732e130e321cacd355f8bffbf1c1726e94576c6  source
040000 tree 12edc4bcf6f3ab7a76dc5bda57a940c0caeae7e0    static_cdn

You see, the commit object is stored but the corresponding .gitmodules file is not.

You have at least two options either throw away the broken commit ( git reset --hard 815bb7d28719ab66e765ba8e265eb317766b68db^ ) or throw away you whole history altogether by deleting the .git directory as suggested in comments.

Be aware that it is not possible to push directories ever. You always do local commits in your local repository and then sync your local repository with a remote repository by pushing your local commit.

In your case you were not able to add the files in "source" to your repository, because "source" was considered as a separate repository, a submodule.

This is the fastest, but surely not the best solution. Something seems to be broken in your git repository. The fastest way I got this to work was to destroy your git repository and start again. warning you will lose your history:

rm -rf .git
git init
git add ...

I would be better to investiage why the git repository is broken; as suggested by @michas

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