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Adminer Login PHP

I'm manage user logins into Adminer. The PHP code to try to achieve this is below:

function adminer_object() {

class AdminerSoftware extends Adminer {

    function name() {
      // custom name in title and heading
      return  "<a href='localhost'>My App</a> Admin";;

    function credentials() {

      // server, username and password for connecting to database
      return array('localhost', $DB_USER, $DB_PASSWORD);

  return new AdminerSoftware;
include "./adminer-4.2.3.php";

When I click the login button, I'm taken to the regular page that lists databases but only datatbases which allow guest access are listed. The only way I am able to log in is to replace the return array with hard coded creds.

      return array('localhost', 'user', 'password');

When using this, whether I enter no creds or the 'user' and 'password' values, hitting the login button takes me to a full list of databases.

I suspect there's something very simple which I'm missing.


Try change credentials() function like this:

function credentials() {

    // server, username and password for connecting to database
    return array('localhost', $DB_USER, $DB_PASSWORD);

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