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Vue.js access parent/root data from a child component

My main.js file references #app as the el , and then on ready it sends an HTTP request to my API to get data on the user based on their token taken from localStorage .

It sets the data like so when the response is returned:

this.$http.get('/me', function(data) {
  this.$set('me', data.me);

After the above request returns a response, data now looks like this:

data = {
  me: {
    email: 'email@email.com',
    name: 'Email Email'

And then in the main.js file I implement vue-router and my app is then bootstrapped. It renders my side navigation and other components, and in the middle there is a <router-view></router-view> for the main content.

Ex ( app.html rendered from main.js ):

<div is="navigation"></div>

In my navigation component, and furthermore my components rendered by the vue-router , how can I access data that I want to be global, for example me which is set in the root component?

I want to be able to access data like the user's e-mail and name all over the app.

EDIT:: Check out the new package Vuex - https://github.com/vuejs/vuex . This is designed to be a high-level storage of app data that you can access from within any component. This is definitely the best option now.

Original answer:

A few options that I can think of:

1) pass the current user data to each component that needs it. This would be a bit annoying but maintains the principle that a component should not need any outside information to perform its function.

2) use this.$parent to move up the component chain to the root component, where you will be able to access the data you need.

3) just make a global variable. Declare it outside the scope of Vue and have access to it wherever you want.

$root works for me. At each level of components hierarchy, it refers to the root data.

For example you are inside a component and a sub component needs email , you can do this to access the email:


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