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Can VSCode display a Markdown syntax preview pane?

I am typing a README document in Markdown using Visual Studio Code. I found an online browser-based tool called Markdown Live Preview , but I was wondering if VSCode had any sort of handy split-window pane already built into it.

Make sure that your document is saved as a Markdown file in VSCode:

File > Save as > README.md (The text will be color-coded.)

In the top right corner of VSCode, click the "Split Editor" icon to enable side-by-side editing.

Click the "Open Preview" magnifying glass icon to view a live preview of your Markdown syntax that updates as you type!


The "Mouse-Clicks" way seems inefficient, try vscode pre-defined keybind as markdown.showPreviewToSide :

ctrl+k v

which means when you are editing a markdown file, press Ctrl+k , then loosen both and press v , it comes a preview of current markdown file in the other splited side.

Another command that can be used is "Markdown: Open Preview" which can be called both from intellisence ( ctrl + shift + p , start typing "Markdown" to see available commands) or by a direct keybinding: default is ctrl + shift + v , custom may be set at Keyboard Shortcuts ( ctrl + k ctrl + s ).

However, this command opens the preview in another tab, so if you need splitted window, you'll need to do it manually or by some other hotkeys.

Allow me to point out an alternate way of working with Markdown in vscode. The extension "Instant Markdown" will launch a local browser preview on :1090 (I believe) that allows you to position the render wherever you like. This is a pleasant way of watching the document grow in real time in a format that is much more like what you would see on Github for example. The preview pane in VSCode is a bit too dissimilar to the real thing for my taste.

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