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How to execute a listener bound to an event and exclude the remaining listeners bound to different events from execution?

I have the following jQuery code:

$input.on('keyup', keyUpListener);

$input.on('input', inputListener);

// IE <= 8 fallback for input event.
$input[0].onpropertychange = function() {
    if (window.event.propertyName === "value") {                

$input is a jQuery input[type='text'] .

Right now keyUpListener and inputListener are both executed when I type into the input or when I copy and paste something ( onpropertychange is not fired because it is an IE only event).

But how can I tell JS to not fire inputListener if keyUpListener is executing and vice-versa?

Attach the specific event to the textbox?

$("#input").on('input', function () {

For instance the above - this way you can have multiple listeners not executing on the same input


You are able to bind the paste function to the textbox also..

$("#input").bind('paste', function() {
var pasted = true;

Thus you can then have the below IF statement:

if (pasted) {
$input.on('input', inputListener);
} else {
$input.on('keyup', keyUpListener);

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