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Error When Attempting to $ajax post to authorize.net API with XML Data

I am currently trying to make a request to the Authorize.net AIM api. I have successfully sent the post in Post Man. The issue I am having has to do with the fact that the posted data has to be in xml. When I try to set the data to xml as shown in the sample below, I receive an error of Unexpected token ILLEGAL. Any help with this error would be great. Additionally if there is a better way to format the xml for the post please let me know I have looked around allot with no success.

    type     : "POST",
    url      : "https://apitest.authorize.net/xml/v1/request.api",
    data     : "<createTransactionRequest xmlns="AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd">
     <description>Product Description</description>
        <description>Cannes logo </description>
      <name>level2 tax name</name>
      <description>level2 tax</description>
      <name>duty name</name>
      <description>duty description</description>
      <name>level2 tax name</name>
      <description>level2 tax</description>
      <address>14 Main Street</address>
      <city>Pecan Springs</city>
      <company>Thyme for Tea</company>
      <address>12 Main Street</address>
      <city>Pecan Springs</city>
    dataType : "xml",
    success  : function(msg){
    error    : function(msg) {

Luke you can post your request in JSON now, Authorize.Net supports JSON, here is a sample charge credit card request for Authorize.net

    "createTransactionRequest": {
        "merchantAuthentication": {
            "name": "API_LOGIN_ID",
            "transactionKey": "API_TRANSACTION_KEY"
        "refId": "123456",
        "transactionRequest": {
            "transactionType": "authCaptureTransaction",
            "amount": "5",
            "payment": {
                "creditCard": {
                    "cardNumber": "5424000000000015",
                    "expirationDate": "1220",
                    "cardCode": "999"
            "lineItems": {
                "lineItem": {
                    "itemId": "1",
                    "name": "vase",
                    "description": "Cannes logo",
                    "quantity": "18",
                    "unitPrice": "45.00"
            "tax": {
                "amount": "4.26",
                "name": "level2 tax name",
                "description": "level2 tax"
            "duty": {
                "amount": "8.55",
                "name": "duty name",
                "description": "duty description"
            "shipping": {
                "amount": "4.26",
                "name": "level2 tax name",
                "description": "level2 tax"
            "poNumber": "456654",
            "customer": {
                "id": "99999456654"
            "billTo": {
                "firstName": "Ellen",
                "lastName": "Johnson",
                "company": "Souveniropolis",
                "address": "14 Main Street",
                "city": "Pecan Springs",
                "state": "TX",
                "zip": "44628",
                "country": "USA"
            "shipTo": {
                "firstName": "China",
                "lastName": "Bayles",
                "company": "Thyme for Tea",
                "address": "12 Main Street",
                "city": "Pecan Springs",
                "state": "TX",
                "zip": "44628",
                "country": "USA"
            "customerIP": "",
            "transactionSettings": {
                "setting": {
                    "settingName": "testRequest",
                    "settingValue": "false"
            "userFields": {
                "userField": [
                        "name": "MerchantDefinedFieldName1",
                        "value": "MerchantDefinedFieldValue1"
                        "name": "favorite_color",
                        "value": "blue"

I ended up using PHP to make the request and I was able to form the xml as a string using single quotes around the xml as in this sample.

$retCustXml = '
        <createTransactionRequest xmlns="AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd">


'; Thank you for the help.

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