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Rails generate options with classes based on parent for jQuery conditional hiding

I have a couple of forms that have select boxes that I would like to conditionally hide the options based on previous options selected. For example:

On the sign up page I have 2 select boxes, agency and branch. The agency select is generated using

<%= f.select(:agency_id, options_from_collection_for_select(Agency.all, :id, :name), prompt: 'Select your Agency') %>

and the branch one:

<%= f.select(:branch_id, options_from_collection_for_select(Branch.all, :id, :name), prompt: 'Select your Branch') %>


Branch belongs_to :agency
Agency has_many :branches

I want to only show branches based on the agency selected. I'm not a jQuery whizz but I'm sure if I can add classes to the branch options based on their agency then I can use some basic javascript to achieve this.

Any ideas?


You can do this way

function getBranches(agency_id) {  
    url: "/get_branches",
    type: "GET",
    data: {"agency_id" : agency_id},
    dataType: "html"
    success: function(data) {

Now in controller

def get_branches
  @branches = Agency.find(params[:agency_id]).branches
  render :partial => 'branches', :locals => {:f => f, :branches => @branches}

Now in view your view

<%= f.select :agency_id, options_from_collection_for_select(Agency.all, :id, :name), prompt: 'Select your Agency', :onchange => "getBranches(this.value)" %>
<div id="branches">
  <%= render :partial => 'branches', :locals => {:f => f, :branches => @branches} %>

The partial view _branches.html.erb

<%=  f.select :branch_id, options_from_collection_for_select(branches, "id", "name"), :prompt => "Select a Branch of the Agency" %>

In routes

match "/get_branches" => "<controller_name>#get_branches"

controller_name is the name of the controller where you define get_branches

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