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MFMailComposeViewController problems

So I have a MFMailComposeViewController that i call on when i click a button and i have an if statement that checks what a UILabel is equal to and if the device can send mail like this

if ([conditionlabel  isEqual: @"Fair"] && [MFMailComposeViewController canSendMail]) {
    NSString *emailBody = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Product:%@    Make:%@   Year Manufactured:%@  Description:%@  Condition:Fair Email:%@",inputProduct,inputMake,inputYear,inputDescript, inputEmail];
    NSArray *recipient = [NSArray arrayWithObject:@"LoveShackElectronics@gmail.com"];
    MFMailComposeViewController *SuperLovedEmail = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc]init];
    [SuperLovedEmail setTitle:emailTitle];
    [SuperLovedEmail setToRecipients:recipient];
    [SuperLovedEmail setMessageBody:emailBody isHTML:NO];
    [SuperLovedEmail setUserActivity:false];
    [self presentViewController:SuperLovedEmail animated:YES completion:nil];

and i have an else statement after this that makes an alert and shows it. But for some reason, it always returns false and just shows the alert even on a device that i know is signed in through the mail app and is able to send mail.

You mean [conditionLabel.text isEqual:@"Fair"] .

You are currently comparing the UILabel to an NSString . That will never be true. You need to compare the label's text .

One thing that would have helped was if you used isEqualToString: instead of isEqual: .

Also, you really shouldn't be checking a label's value. A label is a view. Views are not meant to be a source of data. You should have actual data you check.

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