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Codeigniter Change URL method name

I am new in CI.

I want to change function name in addressbar url with add_car to addcar .

Actually my url is created as below


But I want following in URL


Is it possible? Please help me.

[Note] : My actual method name is add_car .

You can do it by two methods

Method 01

Edit - config/routes.php

$route['controller/addcar'] = 'controller/add_car';
$route['controller/deletecar'] = 'controller/delete_car';

output - www.exapmle.com/controller/addcar

Method 02

change your controller function name as you like.

public function addcar($value='')
    # code...
public function deletecar($value='')
    # code...

Output - www.exapmle.com/controller/addcar

Further Knowledge

If you use $route['addcar'] = 'controller/add_car'; URL looks like


Change add_car function to addcar in your controller

function add_car(){


function addcar(){

Or in routes.php

$route['controller/add_car'] = "controller/addcar";

$route['controller/([az]+)_([az]+)'] = "controller/$1$2";

Above example will route every requested action containing '_' between two strings to action/method without the '_'.

More about Code Igniter regular expression routes:

You can use this on your route:

$route['addcar'] = 'Add_car/index';
$route['addcar/(:any)'] = 'Add_car/car_lookup/$1';

and your controller

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Add_car extends CI_Controller {

public function __construct()

public function car_lookup($method = NULL)
    if (method_exists($this, $method))
        $this->index(); // call default index

public function index()
    echo "index";

public function method_a()
    echo "aaaaa";

public function method_b()
    echo "bbbbb";

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