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Microsoft EDGE reports XHR HTTP404 with typescript file

When I debug a Typescript web-application from Visual Studio 2015, using the Microsoft EDGE browser it reports the following;

HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR): GET - http://localhost:2543/scripts/Helpers/jsontable.ts

I have a jsontable.ts file in my project, but it is NOT located under scripts . I have also done a full text-search in my solution, and haven't found other references to 'jsontable.ts' other than in the _references.ts file which I have now removed. The problem is still there. Other browsers doesn't report this error in the F12 network-pane (tested with Internet Explorer 11, Chrome, Opera and FireFox). I know for sure I don't send this request myself from other states in my application. Has anyone else experienced this. Is there any fix?

It's probably sourceMaps. Turn off that option in your tsconfig.json file.

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