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Angular $q library to chain methods after success of an $http request to api?

I've never written a promise before but I feel like this code communicates my intent.

Question: How can I asynchronously fire off matchData() and countData() in the init block, after my http request has been completed, transformed and returned.

 function getLangData(langCode) {

    var url = "https://translate.google.com/translate_a/l?cb=JSON_CALLBACK";
      return $q(function(resolve, reject) {    
      $http.jsonp(url, {
        params: {...}
        .success(function (translateAPIData) {
                 return translateAPIData.map(function(){...});


function init() {
  var promise = getLangData(languageCode);
  promise.then(function(mappedData) {
  promise.then(function(mappedData) {


You don't need to create you own promise using $q as $http method does return a promise by default, you could utilize that by calling .then method on it.

function getLangData(langCode) {

    var url = "https://translate.google.com/translate_a/l?cb=JSON_CALLBACK";
      //returned promise object from method
      return $http.jsonp(url, {
        params: {...}
      .then(function (response) {
           var translateAPIData = response.data;
           return translateAPIData.map(function(){...});


You could call the promise method just by doing .then on that method.

function init() {
  var promise = getLangData(languageCode);
  promise.then(function(mappedData) {

Yes $http returns a promise but doesn't necessarily get it back into your init method for your count and match function. Here is a solution using $q.

function getLangData(langCode) {

var url = "https://translate.google.com/translate_a/l?cb=JSON_CALLBACK";
var defer = $q.defer();

$http.jsonp(url, {
    params: {...}
  }).then(function (translateAPIData) {

  return $q.promise;

function init() {

 getLangData(languageCode).then(function(mappedData) {
   //Do something with your data here.

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