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Laravel 5.1: How to authenticate only active users

I want to add another condition in AuthController but I don't know how to do it.

In my Users table, I have a Active field. If a User has Active == 0 , i want to not let he/she login into the system. I don't know where to add that condition in Laravel 5.1 AuthController .

Please help me with that. Thanks a lot guys!

You can override the postLogin method of the AuthenticatesUsers trait in your AuthController :

public function postLogin(Request $request)

    //attempt login but not log in the user
    if ( ! Auth::attempt($credentials, false, false) )
        //wrong credentials: redirect to login


    //get user model from last attempt
    $user = Auth::getLastAttempted();

    //if user is not active... 
    if (! $user->active)
        //do whathever you want: for example redirect to login    


    //login the user
    Auth::login($user, $request->has('remember')); 

    //redirect where you need

Check the original: vendor\\laravel\\framework\\src\\Illuminate\\Foundation\\Auth\\AuthenticatesUsers::postLogin method, to see if you need other instructions inside your overrided method (for example input validation)

You can add your custom postLogin() function in your Auth controller which overrides the default postLogin function with this condition

Auth::attempt(array('email' => $email, 'password' => $password, 'active' => 1))

This way you will only do auth of active users only


Instead of overriding the whole postLogin function, add this to your AuthController

protected function getCredentials(Request $request)
    $crendentials=$request->only($this->loginUsername(), 'password');
    return $crendentials;

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