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Can't use Objective C framework imported within Bridging Header

Usually I am using CocoaPods (with use_frameworks!) in order to manage my frameworks, but this PDF library (FastPdfKit) does not support CocoaPods, so i added it manually in "link binary with libraries" along with its dependencies. After that I let xcode create a bridging header for me (I created a .m file, and xcode created a bridging header automatically).

I imported the header in the bridging file like this #import <FastPdfKit/FastPdfKit.h> , but I can't acces any method/class from my swift files... ( Use of undeclared type 'ReaderViewController' where ReaderViewController is a subclass of UIViewController in the framework).

I've also tried importing like this #import 'FastPdfKit.h" still gives the same errors.

要将Objective-C代码从同一框架导入Swift,请转至Build Settings > Packaging并确保该框架目标的Defines Module设置被设置为“ Yes ”。

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