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Angularjs ng-repeat index not working

I want to use ng-repeat more or less as follows:

<div ng-repeat="One_Entry in Entries_List track by One_Entry.Entry_ID"

      present various fields within "One_Entry"


Entries_List is a JSON array of objects, being Entry_ID one of the elements within the object.

DoSomething is a function within the related controller that is supposed to perform a specific activity on the structure whose ID is the passed Entry_ID.

I tried using $index as well as $parent.$index but I'm getting an error stating that these variable do not exist.

Could anyone tell me how I can achieve the above functionality?


The object One_Entry is scoped. Therefore onclick won't work. Use ng-click instead which is the Angular version for onclick:

<div ng-repeat="One_Entry in Entries_List track by One_Entry.Entry_ID"

  present various fields within "One_Entry"


It's not OnClick it's ng-click


From :

<div ng-repeat="One_Entry in Entries_List track by One_Entry.Entry_ID"


 <div ng-repeat="One_Entry in Entries_List track by One_Entry.Entry_ID"

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