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trigger click an element with a specific class and attribute

I have few link elements related to a certain class and assigned row attributes to it and I'm trying to trigger click event based on the attribute value.

 <a class="manage_edit_nb" nb_id="1"></a> | <a class="manage_del_nb" nb_id="1"></a> <a class="manage_edit_nb" nb_id="2"></a> | <a class="manage_del_nb" nb_id="2"></a> <a class="manage_edit_nb" nb_id="3"></a> | <a class="manage_del_nb" nb_id="3"></a>... 

Is it possible to trigger click or any event for a certain attribute value for a certain class?

If I try something similar to

 $('a[nb_id = "1"]').trigger('click'); 

it triggers click event for all elements irrespective of class but I failed to figure out how to put class reference in there!

This should work fine.


here it is working:


First, the nb_id is not a valid attribute, use data-id instead. data-* attributes are allowed, and I personally like them. And, they can be accessed using $.attr('data-id') method, and their value can bee updated using $.attr('data-id', 'new value') . Going back to the question, try using below selector




Why .get(0) ? Assuming that the element has been bound with .click(callback()) or .on('click') , the .trigger('click') will not do anything, so I am using .get(0) to get the DOM object which has that method to simulate the click event. Regardless of being said, you can use trigger('click') the way you're already using

The thing that you are trying to do by the above code is triggering a click event on both '.manage_edit_nb' and '.manage_del_nb' selector and hence the event is occuring on both. Try to be little more specific by giving the class name like

  $('a.manage_edit_nb[nb_id = "1"]').trigger('click');

I think this is exactly what you need : First of all, change all nb_id to data-nb_id . and use the following code, needs jquery.

$(document).ready(function() {
    // Handle click event on the class required 
        // Get nb_id of that particular anchor event of the class
        var nb_id= $(this).attr('data-nb_id');
        // Switch on nb_id
            // Handle your cases separately here
            case "1":
            alert('Case 1');break;
            case "2":
            alert('Case 2');break;
            case "3":
            alert('Case 3');break;

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