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Yii CGridVIew filter dropdown with relations

I'm using Yii 1.1.16 and in my CGridView, i'm adding a custom filter dropdown. But in the dropdown the value is set, but not the text. any idea why?

here is the html

<select name="Comments[make]">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="02"></option>
<option value="33"></option>
<option value="31"></option>

in my CGridView i have this

            'filter'=>array_map("strtoupper", CHtml::listData(Posts::model()->with('abc')->findAll(array('group'=> 'abc.make')), 'id', 'abc.make')),

and in my Posts.php model i have this

 * @return array relational rules.
public function relations()
        'abc' => array(self::HAS_MANY, "Abc", array("make_code" => "make_code", "model_code"=>"model_code")),

Try This;-

In ListData

  'id', 'abc.make')

Try this

 'filter'=>array_map( CHtml::listData(Posts::model()->with('abc')->
  findAll(array('group'=> 'abc.make')), 'id', 'abc.make')),

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