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how to use SearchFilter in django-rest-framework?

I want to do a search function with django-rest-framework
this is what I done:
I add this :

queryset = Site.objects.all()
serializer_class = SiteSerializer
filter_backends = (filters.SearchFilter,)
search_fields = ('name',)  

But, when I visit htttp: it give me this error :

The right way to use a search filter is

class TrainingApiView(BListCreateAPIView):
    authentication_classes = (TokenAuthentication,)
    permission_classes = (IsAdminUser,)
    queryset = Training.objects.all()
    serializer_class = TrainingSerializer

    filter_backends = (OrderingFilter, SearchFilter,)
    search_fields = ["training_type", ]

If you are doing it like above then you are doing it RIGHT. You may be thinking about why my endpoint returns all objects instead of a few filtered items? It is because you are trying it with search_fields in postman params.

For example, in my case, training_type is my search field and if I write my endpoint as below (That is the wrong way)


That is the WRONG WAY to hit SearchFilter for Django API and you will result in having all results from queryset .

The CORRECT WAY is to use search instead of search fields mentioned on search_fields = ["training_type", ]

Here is how you should try it the correct way and it will bring exact results


In short search field is the correct keyword to try query params.

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