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Header set with Apache in multiple htaccess

I have a site at directory /aaa/bbb/ccc/index.php

I have an htaccess on every directory "/aaa", another in "/aaa/bbb" and another in "/aaa/bbb/ccc".

In the htaccess located at /aaa I have this

Header set AAA ZZZ

In the htaccess located at /aaa/bbb and /aaa/bbb/ccc I have this


When I open the website using my browser the header AAA has the value ZZZ. For some reason the other htaccess files are not overriding the value of AAA. But what is really amazing is that if I change the htaccess from /aaa/bbb and /aaa/bbb/ccc to the code below the header gets overrided! Why?

<FilesMatch "^.*$">

    Header set AAA XXXXXXXX



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