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Azure: Will I be able to use source control integration?

Currently, my visual studio solution has 3 projects:

  • MVC project - to be deployed at say www.something.com
  • Web Api - to be deployed at api.something.com
  • SPA application - to be deployed at app.something.com

Will I be able to host all of these just through VSO source control? I am not sure if azure would be able to host the applications at respective sub-domains without explicitly defining them?

Can anybody please clarify? And what would be the best approach?

if you host your application on Azure App service, there is continues deployment service. You can have your code next to your site (Local Git https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/web-sites-publish-source-control/ ) or you can have your code in supported repository eg github/bitbucket etc ..

And Azure App Service supports virtual directly, you can have multiple apps in the same site. see detail answer from here Publish Multiple Projects to Different Locations on Azure Website

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