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RStudio read.xl working directory error

Hi guys I'm having difficulty loading.xlsx into RStudio - I'm not sure why RStudio can't see the file. Am I specifying the path for read_excel() wrong? Any ideas? Pretty new at R.


Windows 10 (64-bit) Version 0.99.491 & Version 0.99.840 read.xl 0.1.0

getwd() [1] "C:/Users/user/Documents/Work" read_excel(system.file("C:/Users/user/Documents/Work/Data.xlsx")) Error: '' does not exist in current working directory ('C:/Users/user/Documents/Work')

The results of the system.file command are probably returning a blank character "" :

[1] ""

I'm not sure why this is the case. Instead, just try specifying the full path within the excel_sheets function, ie,


How did you save the file? Is the file saved as Data.xlsx? If so, please remove the extension.xlsx and then try to import with read_excel("Data.xlsx"). I faced the similar error and after removing the extension, it worked fine.

I like to use paste0 function:

read_excel(paste0(getwd(), "/Data.xlsx"))

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