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Socket.io sending message to specific socket.id not working?

I have this app in socket.io using node.js server and I want to update the points for every one connected in the app. I keep a list of connected users by socket.id and secret in the clients array. And I tried like this but the points won't update. Can anyone tell me what's wrong?

function updatePoints(){
    points = [];
    pool.getConnection(function(err, connection) {
        connection.query("SELECT * FROM `users`", function(error, rows) {
            for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
                points.push({"secret" : rows[i].secret, "points" : rows[i].pontos});
            for (var l = 0; l < points.length; l++) {
                for (var p = 0; p < clients.length; p++) {
                    if(points[l].secret == clients[p].secret){
                        var socketID = clients[p].socket;
                        var pontos = points[l].points;
                        io.sockets.connected[socketID].emit('update points', pontos);

Socket.io version: 1.3.7

How about make a client object theb assigning a socket and a point property then push it in a the clients array?

socketServer.on('connection', function(socket){
     //make your query here
     //make a client object
     var client = {point: row.point, socket: socket};
     clients[row.secret] = client;

then you can retrieve the client by:

clients[row.secret].socket.emit('something', function);


if you want to broadcast to connected clients then you can:

socketServer.emit('something', function);

if you want to broad to everyone except the one who emitted the broadcast. then you can:

clients[row.secret].broadcast.emit('something', function;

Replace the

io.sockets.connected[socketID].emit('update points', pontos);   

with this

socket.broadcast.to(socketID).emit('update points', pontos);

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