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How to use AngularJS ui-router to build same URL as <ui-sref> in controller instead of HTML?

I'm using AngularJS's ui-router in my webapp. I have a state that looks like this:

      url: '/mystate/{id:int}/:slug',
      params: {
        slug: {value: null, squash: true}
      templateUrl: 'partials/mystate.html',
      controller: 'MyStateCtrl'

I can link to this state in my view like this:

<a ui-sref="mystate({id: 4, slug: 'myslug'})">Hello World</a>

It converts it to the following URL: /mystate/4/myslug/

I want to build the same URL that ui-sref produces, but I want it inside MyStateCtrl . How do I do that? In the controller, I have access to $stateParams.id and $stateParams.slug . But what function do I need to call to convert them to that URL?

EDIT : Please note: I do not want to go to the resultant URL. I just want to have it for later use.

You can inject $state as a dependency to MyStateCtrl and use $state.go(to [, toParams] [, options]) function for navigating to target URL.

For example:

class MainController {

  constructor($scope, $state) {

    this.scope = $scope;
    this.state = $state;


   navigateToAState() {
     this.state.go('mystate',{id: 4, slug: 'myslug'})

 export default MainController;

Detail Reference: $state.go(to \\[, toParams\\] \\[, options\\])

A url generation method that returns the compiled url for the given state populated with the given params.

Example : expect($state.href("about.person", { person: "bob" })).toEqual("/about/bob");

you can use this

$state.href ('mystate',{id: 4, slug: 'myslug'});

See This link for more help

You can construct a url just like you ui-sref with the function $state.href() . You just need to provide the route and its params that you can get from $stateParams .

e.g. expect($state.href("about.person", { person: "bob" })).toEqual("/about/bob");

So in your case:

$state.href("mystate", { id: $stateParams.id, slug: $stateParams.slug });

And here is the documentation - $state.href()

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