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Problems with wamp configuration after installation

I recently installed wamp2.5 and I am having a series of problems with it.

  1. I get the error "Access denied for user: 'dante ' @ ' @ localhost' (password : YES )" (think the first issue here is why there are two @ signs)
  2. When i try to click on a web project on my localhost interface, instead of the url leading to, for example, localhost/mysite ... it instead points to www.mysite.com

Any help will be highly appreciated

For the second issue you can go to wamp/www/index.php .

And change:

$suppress_localhost = true;

To :

$suppress_localhost = false;

I'll see what I can do about the first problem.

By default WAMPServer like most MYSQL deliveries comes with only one account set in MYSQL.

This is root and comes out of the box with no password set.

So to login to phpMyAdmin for example you should use :

Username = root
Password = (leave it blank)

As to your second point, you should consider setting up Virtual Hosts in Apache for all your projects. See this post for how to configure Apache correctly with Virtual Hosts

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